
Send me Your Vivacious

When you find something valuable in the backyard, you pick it up. Shouldn't you print out a copy of this comic and store it in your secret place until a time when you will either use it as a force for good or throw it out? That's what I'm doing with it.


To Smithereens

There's nothing quite like a Tuesday. You must hear it in the original Klingon for it to really have the impact it deserves though. This commment is meant to be the perfect cure for Tuesdays. The other days of the week...you're just screwed. But Tuesdays, I got your back.



Laugh at the Dancing Monkeys

Nothing to say really. see ya tomorrow.



I am Jack's Complete Indignation

It is my job to fully enjoy this weekend. And I will do this well.


The Taste of Success

I'm a fan of all of it. Seriously. A fan of it all. You should be too. Enjoy it. Milk it and taste its oreo-soaking goodness.



When There is a Problem...

There isn't that much to say. It's my birthday. No, really. It is. Whooop. I'm too old to be doing webcomics.

But that's what I've always been about. Breaking down those barriers and playing games with the future. This is me throwing a frisbee. C'mon future! Here girl! Fetch!



The Worst Entertainer in the World

You ever have one of those days when drawing is just the thing ya gotta do? I had me a weekend like that. I'm working on a HUGE La Casa project right now that I really want to tell you about, but not quite yet. Believe me though, Friday's strip is Soooo gonna be worth the wait.

Iffy at Best: The Comic? Yeah, that'll be good too. Friday will introduce an even newer character. Woot!



Spooked by Good Salsa

Comics, as a rule, take some time to get up to speed. This comic has been going for only 5 days. I figure that by the end of next week I'll be happier with it. Not that I don't like it now. It's fun writing the strip and keeping it up is soooo freakin' easy it's not even funny.

But I do wish more people were reading it. Of course, with no promotion...heh.

Anyway, have a good monday. I have the day off so expect sketches on my blog.



Terrible Twos

Today's La Casa strip was insanely difficult for me to make. It's unclear why, but it took me four days to go from sketch to final draft. It normally only takes four hours. Strange.

In other news, I love comics.

That is all.




Nothing to post about right now. Everything's going smoothly...




It is a very special day. A very special day indeed. Three strips in and I haven't missed one yet! Rawk on!

So the Valentine's Day strip over on La Casa went over like a ton of bricks. Gold bricks that is. I loved that strip as if it were my own.


Yeeeah. Anyway, hope you enjoy this strip.



mastering the art of the <3

I've started using this Carmex chap-stick. Not sure how much I either adore or loathe it yet. It's nice and minty at the start, but it goes away really fast.

Stay safe kids!


Alright, now I wanna talk about the La Casa strip.

I started out doing a sketch in Sketchbook. Once I had that complete I saved it as a jpg and transferred it into Photoshop. I then created two new layers and did the frames.

The frames are marqueed areas, filled with 3px stroke, and then the opacity of the fill is put at 0. I may have to re-think this though because when it came time to color, I realized that I had to color on top of the frames which doesn't do much good.

Anyway, for the background colors I just painbucketed the sketch and kept it in the background. For not having a plan it turned out pretty much ok!

On Art

Drawn! has, over the last week or so, become my new favorite illustration site. It's basically the kotke.org of the illustration world, but with pictures. I love it.

Right now, at home, I'm trying to work on creating a logo for La Casa. I'm not sure where to start so today I'm doing research on logo creation and what the process normally is. Good times.

I've been thinking about trying to use illustrator, but that program still haunts me in my dreams. I've had very little practice with it and what little time I've spent using it has been time spent in abject terror. It is a force unlike any other I have encountered.

Today's La Casa strip took about 3 hours of hard labor. The coloring is still taking forever. Need to figure out a way to speed that up.

More later. New comic goes up tonight.


