
There's a Fortune to be Made!

What would you do if you found yourself in new york with a guitar?

Wakka Wakka.



Laugh it up Fuzz-ball!

There is something hypnotic about New York for those of us who have never been there. It is a place where dreams come true for some and other lie helpless in a gutter until their prescriptions are filled at the mental hospital.

On the hiatus: I ran out of funny. I'm sorry. I'll try and make sure it doesn't happen again.



Why Not To Enjoy Science

Once in a while an inventor comes along who is so profound that we kill them. I just want to assure everyone here today, I am not one of them. Seriously. I just draw a couple of comics. I'm not even famous. At all. In fact, if there was a famousness scale I'd have negative points.



BBQ Ribs

When you have the kind of weekend that I just survived, it's important to remember one thing. Don't mess with Texas. Saturday was the day I tried to mess with Texas, and though I won $5, I believe I lost in the long run.



Bartender! Another!

Well, if that ain't a bitch of a way to have a Friday. And here I was all excited. Oh well. For more excitement, come back Monday. There'll be fireworks. Metaphorical fireworks. The best kind there are.



Todd Told Me to Hang-up on You

When I see someone on the street that I know, I usually ignore them. This is for two reasons, the first being that people make me nervous in general. I'm agoraphobic. The second reason is that I'm worried that I've committed some act of horrible transgression in their presence and they are will hold it against me. What does this have to do with the comic? Nothing. Nothing at all.